Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Preseason 2015

Hello and welcome to the newly designed Trident Robotics 2014-2015 blog! Our team has already been busy preparing for the exciting and quickly approaching build season. Over the past few months each sub-team has delegated their time to gaining and mastering the skills which they will utilize during the season.

As is annual tradition our team headed to Abbott Laboratories on November 19th for a networking night. Students enjoyed pizza while talking to Abbott employees and professional engineers about what they do at Abbott and what it’s like to work in the field of engineering. Chairman’s team began the preseason presenting their findings from a short-term project which tasked them with brainstorming and developing solutions to problems they’d be facing during the season. These included: social media, redeveloping the website, and spirit wear. They also are continuing working on the Industrial Technology window display between rooms 109 and 110. Chairman’s team has been contacting companies for lab sponsorships in order to offset the costs of new equipment like a new lathe. John Kircher, leader of programming team, began the preseason developing an attendance program for members to clock in and out easily. Additionally, every member of the team was taught the programming language C++ and how to use the Wind River compiler. As of now they are hard at work on programming last year’s robot. Genny Korn and Isaac Main, the team’s safety captains, began the preseason making sure everyone took a general safety test, as well as preparing specific sub-teams with the training they’ll need throughout the build season. Mechanical team taught their members how to use certain tools and they took inventory of supplies in order to have the best knowledge of our materials before making any further purchases. Control team was taught how to wire controls components, practiced problem-solving scenarios on the robot, and discussed common problems that addressed things that may occur during the season. Design team has been working on basic mechanical designs and they also have been focusing on west coast drive trains. Furthermore, the team went over possible materials used for the robot and how they will be selected.

We look forward to the fun year ahead!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Day 27: FINAL DAY!

Immediately upon arrival, the teams that came got straight to work. Media & Animation team split off to print ALL the spirit wear shirts/crewnecks. I must say, they turned out pretty good. Business team continued to print member's certificates. Mechanical team adjusted the bumpers, mounted air pressure gages, added a chain guard, and with the help of Controls team fixed a leaking issue. Programming team reconfigured the camera for the robot. Safety team attached the upper cabinet to the the roller for the pit. Overall, this has been an outstanding season for team 4296, but it isn't over yet: some groups will be staying late tonight to continue working! Gooo Trident Robotics!!!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Day 24-26: Crunch Days

We started the day with having problems with the driving. After many tests, we narrowed the problem down to a failed Talon. Once finding and fixing this the robot drove perfectly. The decision to move everything over to our second chassis came shortly after. With our modular design, this task was made very simple. This chassis has a two speed gear box and is raised off the ground a little more with larger diameter wheels. The drive train also uses a chain and sprocket instead of a belt. The controls board was custom made with a CNC ShopBot Router. While facing a shaft we were able to achieve a 5 foot long single scrap; it was spun in a coil. The intake device has been completed with hooks that will allow the ball to come in but not to fall out. We have now completed the robot and are just doing final testing and tweaking.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Day 23: Concentrated Sprint

Today was the last Saturday meeting. 96 hours left of the build season. For some people today is there last day, but for others they’ll be needed for the next 3-4 days.  It is up to the leaders to choose who they want to stay for the next couple days, and if you’re leader doesn’t want you here you are encouraged to protest and talk to Corey as well as your leader about it. If you feel like you could be a value to the team, then try to stay and work. After we tested the robot in the gym on Thursday we’ve figured out that today we need to change gears on the firing piston because it doesn’t work, and add the second piston. This is the last part that we have to modify. Also, we have to finish the control board to make it precise and look nice. Mr. Greene let everyone know that Monday and Tuesday will be the last day to finish. He wanted to thank everyone for a good build season. Ms. Burza told everyone today was the last day to turn in your raffle tickets, because she needs to deposit the money so we can afford hotels and buses. Furthermore, April 3rd will be the team dinner and everyone needs to let her know how many people you have coming with you by next Thursday. Media team got their load of shirts/crewnecks to start printing on, which they will start next week. Animation team made more props for their challenge, finalized the first, second, and third scenes, and did the voice recording for their mythology video. Business team continued to print the certificate of appreciation pages on cardstock. They also went to Tina’s at Saratoga Square, Kaiser’s, and Potbelly to get gift cards for the raffle. Mechanical team switched the arms on the shooter for steel ones, changed the wheels on the ball shifter chassis to 6in, and continued to build a shelf for the lathe tools. Controls team fixed the 2nd chassis and tested it. They also made the ball shifter work for high and low gear. Programming team went to the field house to test the ball shifter chassis, and the actual robot. CAD team designed new treads for the intake roller in Autodesk Inventor. Safety team finished painting the shelves, and combined the yellow onto the blue one.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Day 22: Getting work done

Today’s meeting started with Corey telling everyone that we’d be working on wiring the testing board for controls. Then Mechanical team would start to test the board. We also needed to make a precise control board so Programming team could test it, and have mechanical team on standby to adjust anything that needs adjusting. Mr. Greene wanted to let everyone know that if you want to be a leader or captain you need to come talk to him today. Media team ended up not prepping today, but they plan to start printing shirts/crewnecks on Saturday. Animation team made assets for their mythology challenge. Business team went around town to other businesses to collect more raffle tickets. Mechanical team wired the robot. Controls team tried to make the ball shifter chassis move, so they could practice with it. Programming team continued to work on the trouble shooting vision targeting. CAD team put attachments on the pneumatics. Safety team worked on the pit and decided what to do with the trusses.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Day 21: Keep Working!

Today’s meeting started with Corey addressing everyone, letting us know that we need to work on our shooter, because some parts of it are wrong. We have done the design, prototype, and testing, so the hard parts are done. However we still need to get stuff done, NOW. Also keep in mind when someone criticizes your work it’s constructive, and not meant to be taken to heart. Everybody on the team is equally helpful. As we start working later, don’t forget to clean up at the end of the day so everyone can go home faster.  Media team didn’t have much to do today, however tomorrow they will start to prep for printing the spirit wear shirts/crewnecks. Animation team made an asteroid field and space background for their ongoing challenge. Business team printed out the many certificate of appreciation pages onto cardstock, and put them in respective folders for all members of team 4296. Mechanical team tested the shooter arms for the final design to make sure it works. They also made a tool shelf, and got the wheels and chains onto the chassis. Controls team wasn’t needed much today. Programming continued vision targeting by testing the robot going up a ramp, to see whether or not the vision targeting was precise. If it is accurate, a bell will go off to signal something is in the path of the robot. CAD team researched other team’s robots, and plans on Chief Delphi. Safety team put another coat of paint onto the pit, and finished up the robot cart. Lastly and but certainly not least, a quick thank you to the parents that provide dinner for the team members staying late. We couldn’t function without your help!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Day 20: Monday Meeting

The meeting started with Corey telling everyone that we need to change the gears on the ball shifter, and the size of the intake roller. Once post-season starts we have the capability of bringing in 40lbs of material for our robot, and we plan on taking advantage of that. Hopefully, we can bring in the entire shooter if it weighs less than 40lbs. Again anybody not working is encouraged to go home, if you are of no use to any other teams. Most importantly, teams are not encouraged to pick on other teams. All teams are equal. Media team perfected their spirit wear logo for printing on Thursday. Animation team almost finished their animation challenge. Business team was not present today, but will return on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Mechanical team is finishing the FINAL intake roller, and building the 2nd chassis for the post-season. They are also drafting out different cradle designs to see which would work best. Controls team worked on the new control board, and made a CAD drawing of it. Programming worked on vision targeting. CAD team worked on the gear guard for the chain, and worked on the new grips for the wheel. Safety team started painting, and tried to find a way to attach the wipe board with the tool box.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Day 18: Execution

There is officially twelve days left and our robot is nearing completion. From here on out our intake roller won’t be changing much. We can make this the easiest or the hardest part. We just need to execute. Also an important factor is going to be doing everything right whether it takes a little more time than planned or not. Everyone is encouraged to ask questions, and have people check your work. We don’t want our final product to be average and competent; rather, we want it to be “really good”. Media team took photos, while Animation team progressed on their mythology challenge. Business team made grade sheets for Mr. Greene. They also called more businesses for raffle donations, and sent out email requests for donations. Mechanical team made bumpers for the robot and the final intake roller for the robot. Controls team formatted acrylic for the final controls board. Programming didn’t have much to do so they spent their time learning new things and practicing. CAD team worked on the intake roller and new shooter design in Autodesk Inventor. Safety team worked on the cabinets. Saturday will be a day full of progress, and we’re going to start prepping frames for our spirit wear shirts/crewnecks.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Day 17: Picture Day

The meeting started with Mr. Greene distributing everybody’s competition shirts for the yearbook photo.  He then told us that we have a good kicker but unfortunately it is too big for the robot. In order to fix it, the CAD team needs to help to scale it down. Again at this point in the season we’re stressing the fact that if you’re not doing anything, go home. Unless you can help another team, we don’t need people crowding the rooms and getting in the way. Also, nobody is allowed to pass through Mr. Greene’s office to get through to other rooms. Food is also strictly prohibited from the lab and office. Everyone has to sell their raffle tickets by February 13th, and if you don’t you won’t be accepted for the team next year. Then everyone shuffled into the lecture hall to take the team photo. Once it was done we went and took photos on the staircase of the team, individual sub team photos, team leaders, seniors, and of the last original members from three years ago. Some of the team left at 5:30 pm, but others stayed till 8:30pm to work on the robot.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Day 16: Take Initiative

Corey started the meeting off by telling everyone that we need the robot done by February 18th and no later. We have fallen behind, and now is our time to push. These next two weeks will go by fast, so everyone is urged to do something. We don’t want anybody sitting around on their phones. Business team leader, Becca, then took over to let everyone know we need to sell raffle tickets. Everyone is to sell 15 tickets at $5 each and the money needs to come back ($75 each member) by February 13th. We will be having the raffle in April, in order to raise money for our hotels and buses so we can successfully make it to the Regionals as a team. She also mentioned that she’ll be handing out forms for our spirit wear: grey crewnecks, car magnets, and travel mugs. Leftover items from last year will also be sold. The forms are to be filled out and returned by February 8th. Then Safety team leader, Nick Friedl, took over to let everyone know that he has a list of things each team has to do for clean up before leaving for the day. Mr. Greene also told everyone if they take safety goggles, it is their responsibly to put them back where they got them. Also, it’s time to start taking initiative, because Mr. Greene knows what everyone accomplished each day, and this will weigh heavily on your membership next year. Media & Animation team finished finalizing the logo for the spirit wear items. With that logo they made the spirit wear order form and pit banner. Animation team animated characters, created more scenery, and did some special effects for their mythology challenge.  Business team continued to call businesses for raffle items, scoring a Tina’s and Pizza Hut gift card. They also distributed the spirit wear order forms and raffle tickets to the team. Mechanical team put wheels on the robot, and tried to figure out how to hook up the linear shooter to the cart so they could test it. They also set up the kicker for testing. Controls team worked on their intake roller issues and how they should place the kicker. Programming team got the mid-intake roller to spin, and they worked on the scouting program. Most of their day was consumed on re-installing their software to their computers. CAD team made adjustments to the Aerial Assist field in Autodesk Inventor with regards to defensive strategies. They also brainstormed for ways the intake roller can stay in contact with the ball so there is clearance to shoot into the high goal. Safety team continued building the robot cart, and finished the cabinets for the pit. Once the meeting ended, the team leaders got together and decided that we are ditching the kicker idea. Our main idea is a catapult with a back-up idea of a straight line shooter. The kicker was our best idea but could not fit with the design that we have for the intake. Approaching next week, meeting till 8:30pm will be necessary for the progression of the robot in these last two weeks. Make it count!